Defence Manual of Security
Possible signs of drug and alcohol abuse
3. Some of the signs and symptoms listed below, when taken in isolation, may be of no significance, or may be symptomatic of illness which has no security significance. However, when several such symptoms manifest themselves together, the commander/line manager will wish to consider whether matters are sufficiently serious as to merit the attention of the Principal Security Adviser. Unless the matter is clear-cut, the commander/line manager should endeavour to have a sympathetic chat with the person concerned with the aim of discovering what lies at the root of the problem, before deciding whether to consult the relevant Principal Security Adviser. Even if the case is not so referred, it may still be appropriate to refer the individual to welfare, medical or counselling services.
4. An apparent change in personality or general attitude to, for example, family, colleagues or work.
5. Unexplained inadequate or uneven performance, particularly when indicated by:
a. erratic timekeeping;
b. disregard for discipline.
6. Personality changes such as:
a. furtive behaviour;
b. stealing;
c. frequent attempts to borrow money;
d. obvious familiarity with slang expressions for drugs and the methods of taking them;
e. wearing sunglasses in inappropriate situations (some illegal drugs contract or dilate the pupils of the eye to a marked extent);
f. attempts to keep arms covered even in hot weather (to hide needle marks);
g. frequent visits to the lavatory or some other secluded area on a longterm basis which cannot be attributed to known illness (to provide an opportunity to take drugs);
7. Inadequate or uneven performance at work particularly indicated by:
a. lack of concentration;
b. loss of interest;
c. afternoon lethargy;
d. unexplained absences during the working day;
e. unreliability and forgetfulness;
f. reluctance to accept responsibility;
g. oversensitivity to criticism;
h. poor timekeeping.
8. Physical deterioration such as:
a. bleary eyes;
b. slurred speech;
c. flushed face;
d. unsteadiness;
e. hand tremors;
f. smell of alcohol on the breath in the morning;
g. frequent sick leave, explained as minor illness, especially when it
occurs often on Monday mornings.
9. Personality changes such as:
a. moodiness;
b. anxiety;
c. depression.
N. do B.: Inside information dos serviços secretos de Sua Majestade, obtida neste genial sítio; gosto especialmente dos parênteses explicativos do item 6.
A jaula aberta
Sempre que a expressão "filhos de famílias de classe média" aparecer algures, leia-se com alívio: são totalmente branquinhos e sem qualquer laivo de latinidad étnico-monetária.
Ainda que andem por aí os tais pequerruchos a carbonizar pataxós, merecem todos (sempre) a nossa sincera consternação, ok?
Ainda que andem por aí os tais pequerruchos a carbonizar pataxós, merecem todos (sempre) a nossa sincera consternação, ok?